[Competitive Games] 14.2 Friday slot for 1 person @Smash Center
[Competitive Games] 14.2 Friday slot for 1 person @Smash Center
€10.00 EUR
€10.00 EUR
- You need to bring feather shuttles
- Don't be late. You may not be able to join, when you are late.
- Price includes courts and a small fee for my work
- Time: 19.00-21.00
- Location: Smash Center, court No. 6-10
- In total we have 25 slots. (5 courts)
- 1 person can only purchase max 2 slots.
- Refund policy: You can get refunded ONLY until 48h before the event. NO ANY REASON will be accepted after the refund deadline. You can sell your slot to others by giving a comment on the meetup event page. The organizer won't be involved in this.
- About other information related to this event, please read our event page on Meetup.
- This is the list of shuttles we accept:
RSL Classic Tourney
Li-Ning Super 1000
Victor Smash It 1
Victor Smash It 2
Yonex Aerosansa 30
Ling Mei Gold (This one you can buy at Smash Center Shop)
Ling Mei Black (This one you can buy at Smash Center Shop) - Please don't be late. If you are late for more than 15min, we will proceed the following games without you.
- The concept of this session is to play with people with even level, so that you can try your best without facing super good or super bad players.
- I will pre-assign each players into a court according to the level and ranking results. You can find your name, your teammate and opponents in this Google Spread sheet. I usually open this sheet for the session 1 day before. If you are new and I don't know your level, I will put you in the lowest level court to start. But once I recognized your level, I will put you into a suitable level court next time you come.
- Please play games according to this Google Spread sheet.
- After each game, please input your scores into this sheet with your own phone.
- After the first hour (5 games played), in each court, the player with the highest average scores will go to the upper-level court and the player with the lowest average scores will go down to the lower-level court.
- The player names for 2nd hour is automatically filled in, and you can find your name and court to proceed games for the 2nd hour.
- If there are multiple players have same average scores as highest/lowest in the court, then randomly one of them will go up/down.
- If there is a player missing/doesn't show up, then the court will first play a game with the missing player "rested". After the first game, if the missing player is still missing, then please "unhide" the 4-player rows in the Google Spread sheet and manually fill in the names of the present 4 players and fill in the scores of the first game. And then continues games as the sheet shows. Please also hide the 5-player rows to avoid confusion.
- It's every player's responsibility to check who to play where and with whom against whom. Please read the instruction above and check the sheet by yourself.
- It's every player's responsibility to fill in your score correctly so the automatic calculation works.
- If there is a players missing (doesn't come), then it's your own responsibility to check the Google Spread sheet and do the adjustment written in the instruction [Exception].
Hope you enjoy the games! :)